Winner of the Best Presentation Award at the North America IEEE Competition, 2004 at Rochester, New York

Through Wall Surveillance (TWS) Radar

  -  Winner of the IEEE Winnipeg Chapter Group Design Project Award, 2004

Through Wall Surveillance Radar Box

There are many situations in which the ability to detect humans through walls would be beneficial. Law enforcement officers often face the daunting task of determining the exact locations of people behind walls in hostage scenarios and in covert operations. Search and rescue workers also benefit greatly from through-wall imaging in time-critical events such as fire rescue or collapsed buildings. Radio waves can be used for Radio Detection and Ranging, or RADAR, and are currently used as a means of locating people in these situations, as radio waves are able to penetrate walls and may be reflected back to the radio wave transmitter. If the radio waves are selected to operate in the correct frequency band, the waves have been shown to propagate through most common building materials, including reinforced concrete, concrete block, sheetrock, brick, wood, plastic, tile, and fiber-glass. Current implementation of this radar has shown it to be sensitive enough to detect the smallest of respiratory movements. This is extremely beneficial in situations such as collapsed buildings, where the human target may be unconscious.

The Department of Defence (DoD) has funded a dazzling array of “high tech” solutions for many of the problems facing our military forces. In this project, our goal has been to convert “high tech” DoD capabilities into cost effective tools to help law enforcement agencies do their jobs better.




Site Administrator - Ankit Agrawal
